Andy Nguyen

Andy Nguyen

EnvZone Staff

Market Strategy Analyst

Andy’s experience has ranged from working with clients in the industries of healthcare, ecommerce, retail, and education.

As a Market Strategy Analyst, Andy understands the aspiration and development flow strategies of each client. He is focused on helping clients reach their full potential by keeping the projects in motion. Helping clients reach and exceed their goals is what Andy enjoys the most about his role here at EnvZone.

Andy is an ambivert which means he can be both friendly and lost in his thought. Also, he views himself as a logical and detail-oriented person.

As for recreation, Andy loves listening to music, especially pop and soul. He also enjoys taking photographs and sharing them with everyone.

Certifications and Badges

  • problem analyzer and solver
  • ip protection
  • industry analyzer
  • highly responsive
  • creative strategist
  • asset management

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