Hannah Ngo

Hannah Ngo

EnvZone Staff

Growth Analyst

Working as a Growth Analyst, Hannah is in charge of providing comprehensive information about digital transformation to clients for business development. With business administration specialization and experiences ranged from working with clients in the industries of insurance, healthcare, retail and hospitality, Hannah would apprehend clients’ needs well and help them come out strategic approaches to reach their goal. Additionally, clients also can find their best software development experts through its multiple outsourcing model with the helpful given sources of information.

Outside of EnvZone, Hannah also known as a basketball athlete. She can easily be found at any courts with her passion on basketball where she can reinforce her mental health.

Certifications and Badges

  • problem analyzer and solver
  • asset representative
  • creative strategist
  • highly responsive
  • ip protection
  • Effective Coordinator

Latest contribution from Hannah Ngo

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Insurtech: Clearcover Takes Flight with $50M Raise in Series C

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Proptech Giant: Zillow Hits a Home Run with Their Excellent Performance

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Basic SEO Approach: How to Find Target Audience for Your Website

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Construction Procurement: Adopt a Tactical Promotion Approach to Boost Win Ratio

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Initiating the New Market by Operating Lean Business Model

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A/E Firms Marketing: Brand Enhancement to Win Procurement Efforts

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Essential UI Elements for Design: Business Warehouse Management App