Sue Mai

Sue Mai

EnvZone Staff

Growth Analyst

Sue started her career as a Growth Analyst at EnvZone where she can indulge her passion in both fields: business and digitalization.

It is her responsibility to flesh out the details of a business solution, which requires enough understanding of how digital solutions are implemented. In other words, she makes sure EnvZone’s clients choose the right approach that best fits their needs. Beside supporting clients, Sue also assists the company by making recommendations based on analytics and test findings.

Her favorite inspirational quote is that “A second-class effort is a first-class mistake”. By putting 100% effort into whatever she does, Sue hopes to minimize the probability of feeling regretful. Despite her special interest in technology and the internet, Sue never forgets to give herself a break so that she can take care of her family and social life.

Certifications and Badges

  • asset management
  • performance inspector
  • asset representative
  • creative strategist
  • problem analyzer and solver
  • Effective Coordinator

Latest contribution from Sue Mai

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Seattle’s Entrepreneurial DNA: How the City Has Forged a Unique Identity for Itself

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Saint Louis: How to Catch Big Fish in the “Gateway City” for Young Entrepreneurs?

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Denver: The “Mile High City” for the Next Generation of Thriving Businesses

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A Series of Missteps That Kept Staples Swimming in Chaos for Years

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Faire: Rescue Local Stores by Making Use of the Retail Gap Left by Amazon