Kaley Nguyen

Kaley Nguyen

EnvZone Staff

Market Strategy Analyst

As a Market Strategy Analyst, Kaley is passionate about strategically matching individuals and organizations with unique outsourcing solutions ranging from ecommerce, healthcare to hospitality and travel. Having gained working experience in several fields, she gets inspired by endless innovations and diversified company culture at EnvZone.

Here at EnvZone, Kaley is committed to sharing corporate visions and delivering positive customer experience. Her main passion is listening to clients’ concerns, uncovering their in-depth insights and offering them with amazing ideas to optimize their potential performance.

As a deep thinker, Kaley often lets her mind wander in deep thoughts. Out of working hours, she can be easily found at book cafés, silently reading books and listening to music. Photography is another interest of hers – to capture breathtaking moments and save for long time.

Certifications and Badges

  • problem analyzer and solver
  • ip protection
  • Effective Coordinator
  • highly responsive
  • asset representative
  • asset management
  • performance inspector

Latest contribution from Kaley Nguyen

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New Identity That Navigates Mazars Forward with Renewed Sense of Purpose

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Walsh’s Rise to Eminence Through 4 Generations of Family Leadership

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Top Financial Advisors & Their Proven Practices for Sustained Growth Momentum

Isabella Guzman in an interview at conference

SBA Administrator Isabella Guzman: The Biggest Voice for America’s Main Streets

Journalists at Marine Corps Times

Hedge Fund: The “Hammer” on Newsrooms That Already Wither Under Pandemic Cuts

Kiewit management in an ground breaking event

Kiewit: Extraordinary Success Story of a Low-Key Masonry Contractor

Walsh inspection team on site

High-Performing Contractors & Proven Keys to Drive Through Pandemic Adversities

Product lead at Netflix speak at a tech event

Full Cycle Development: A Giant Leap to Optimal Operations Excellence at Netflix

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How AECOM “Engineers” A Digital Transformation Journey for Sustainable Growth

Notarize founder and CEO present on stage

Notarize: How the Creator of Online Notarization Space Capitalizes on Catalyst