Ariana Luu

Ariana Luu

EnvZone Staff

Business Performance Analyst

Ariana has joined EnvZone as a Business Performance Analyst, where she will be responsible for providing customers with integrated marketing strategies and sales campaigns on websites. By comprehending precisely what her mission is, she affirms her diligent investigation and validated facts before coming up with efficient answers.

Ariana spends her spare time reading eBooks or conducting more research on topics that interest her, such as Marketing or Data Analysis. She also goes out on occasion for meeting old acquaintances and trying out new eateries.

Certifications and Badges

  • industry analyzer
  • problem analyzer and solver
  • creative strategist
  • asset management
  • asset representative

Latest contribution from Ariana Luu

Tomorrow Health CEO and Co-founder demo product

Tomorrow Health & Its Novel Roadmap to Become the Amazon of Home Healthcare Equipment

Hometap CEO and residential house

Hometap from a Leader’s Perspective: What Factors Help Businesses Hit a Home Run?

Flutterwave CEO and staff collaborate in a technical session

Flutterwave’s Story: The Fintech Hero Who Links Africa to the World

Fabric staff at a fullfilment center

Fabric’s Leaders: From Outsiders to Micro-Fulfillment Pioneers

Set Jet co-founders in an open day

Set Jet by Tom Smith: When Convenience Offers the Greatest Luxury

Strata Oncology co-founders and the staff at a conference

From Idea to Reality: The Passion Behind Strata Oncology’s Accomplishment