Rarely Told Story from Nikiya Hudson in Real Estate Government Contract

As unfolded by Nikiya Hudson, real estate is literally the lowest hanging fruit you can get when doing government contracts.
Nikiya Hudson side profile
Courtesy: EnvZone
By | 8 min read

If you are a contractor and think that you will be face-to-face with all the hardest things in the world like a 200 pages proposal, regulations, or the dauting task of confronting all the big guys in the game. These things are good enough for contractors, especially new ones to use as excuses for the action of giving up even before kicking things off.

But what if someone tells you that you don’t have to?

And that’s fact, you don’t have to. You still can find opportunities that look easier than you think and get you rich before you notice. That’s the plot of Nikiya Hudson story, the owner of Real Estate Management & Preservation LLC.

The realtor had been waiting for 2 years just to clean up her mind and get ready for the first win that got her $24,000 profit in just 5 hours, not to mention that it was her first contract. The female leader is right here to tell her tale and we can take away a ton from field of wisdom. Let’s dive in.

Two Years Set up – Five Hours to Thrive

There are people that have been being in an opportunity to bid on projects for a good amount of time, but they have no ideas that they’re already in the space, just as the same as Nikiya.

Nikiya Hudson has registered on SAM.gov for almost 2 years, but she didn’t take heed to the space. And even when she got approved within a week, Nikiya was overwhelmed by a bunch of words on the website.

“I logged in once, I saw a bunch of words, and I logged right back out. I don’t think I logged in again until the next year when they were telling me to update my registration,” said the realtor.

It wasn’t until 2 years later when she saw Kizzy Parks popped up. While watching the video, the moment that awakened her was the second Kizzy Parks mentioned sam.gov. Right after that, Nikiya found out that she had missed something.

Nikiya went on and did all the things she needed to before submitting three bids in one week which concluded two service contracts, and the other one was that they were looking for just an office space to lease. And the information was very clear on that bid.

Nikiya expressed, “They told you where they want it, they said exactly what they were looking for. And usually, it’s like, ‘Location, you know, next to an interstate or something like that.’ I’m like, ‘It cannot be this simple.’”

Even she was still in doubt, Nikiya decided to try it and to kind of get her feet wet. “And actually, I wasn’t getting my feet wet; I was just sipping my toe in the water,” said Nikiya Hudson.

After pulled up the location that the government wanted via Google Earth, she called the owners to get pictures and a price quote. The owners of the property said they wanted to charge only $945 for rent per month.

One thing is Nikiya has experiences in commercial real estate, but when it comes to government sector, it’s a brand new way of pricing the property. That’s why to make sure that she would gain profit, she was researching to find out if the government have spent money before, how much did they spend on their leases, but she couldn’t see anything.

“So, I’m like, ‘Okay, I’ve got to package this a little differently,’” said the realtor.

After evaluating all the factors including taxes, profits, associated services, and products, etc., she came up with $35,000 for a year. Even though she got lagged behind other bidders when Nikiya tracked her bid ranking on Unison Marketplace, she received a reply within 2 weeks after submitting.

“It’s literally the day before Christmas Eve and I get an email. And everything that I submitted on the paper, I submitted everything except the actual address because I kind of want someone to reach out to me. So, it’s like a risk that I’m taking,” said Nikiya.

Eventually, a guy contacted Nikiya and asked for the address of the office space she submitted. After a few more emails with that guy, Nikiya was announced that she had won the bid even before it shown in Unison.

“When my invoice came in, it was for the full $35,000.” Said Nikiya Hudson.

She added “I got paid by New Year’s $35,000 from leasing to the government. My profit was a little over $23,000. So, $24,000 off of that one lease.”

Let’s do the numbers, from finding the bid, finding the property, doing her little flyer to send to them. Altogether, it was about 5 hours of work, including Nikiya deciding to ride to the office space and come back because it’s about 30 minutes away from her house.

“That’s about 5 hours’ worth of work for $24,000. Five hours,” Nikiya stated.

The Factors Contributing to Her Leap

When we look at her story, many people might think that this is full of blessings. That’s not necessarily wrong but what’s undeniable is that she has been able to catch and hold that luck when it’s her time with a unique power. And that power has been the harmony of the factors that we are going to break down.

Be a Thinker – Give People the Information that They Need

Nikiya did something that the buyer loved. She gave them enough information, even though they didn’t ask for it. She fulfilled all the blanks, so the buyer don’t need to have questions.

It’s still an office space. Along with the locations, we all have questions like, What are the restaurants and what is this floor plan? Are there restrooms? Is this an open space? Is there a community center? Where can we have meetings? Where’s the kitchen area? How can you arrange your furniture?

Nikiya noted, “All of those things that I wanted to know, like, ‘Well, do y’all need these things?’ I just applied it because I wanted to know, like, ‘What’s this going to be used for?’ But who am I to question what you’re going to be using this for? So, I’m going to answer those questions for you. And they literally had no questions besides, ‘When can we get the keys?’”

SBA seminar
Courtesy: SBA

And that’s about the office space, the physical things that we can see. Besides that, Nikiya also put extra services in the bid like property management just in case that they need it.

When you’ve got a handle on what your customers prefer and truly understand their needs, you’re in a prime position to serve them up the best possible experience. This isn’t just about making a good impression; it’s about building trust, driving sales, and making your brand stand out. Plus, it’s a surefire way to turn more leads into loyal customers and keep your business growing strong.

Stay Intimate with the Buyers and the Owners of the Properties

In the real estate world, it’s all about the relationships. Unlike some other industries, here it’s personal. When you’re buying or selling a home, you’re not just handing over a property, you’re trusting your agent to treat it like their own.

That level of trust doesn’t happen overnight. Real estate pros know they’ve got to put in the time and effort to really connect with their clients. It’s about more than just making deals; it’s about building real, lasting relationships based on trust and mutual respect. That’s the foundation for success in this business.

Since the beginning, she has been proactive in keeping contacts with the buyers, which is the government. She also cares about her buyers as she set up a bid with enough information as stated above. This makes Nikiya appears as a trusted and caring person toward the government, they are willing to work with people like her.

Besides the government, Nikiya has also built up an intimate relationship with the owners of the property. She’s been chatting with the owners with a good manner, that’s why they were happy to give her all the information that she wanted.

And since she has just brought them the best tenant – the government, they like her since there office space is generating profit for them.

The Beauty of Working with the Government as a Real Estate Agent

Real estate agents can strike gold by securing government contracts. These agreements have the potential to transform a real estate business, opening up exciting avenues for growth and success, much like what Nikiya recently experienced. Working with the government is hard, that’s a myth, Nikiya has proved otherwise.

You Don’t Even Need a Real Estate License

The overarching rule is that real estate agents must get a license in the state they reside in, or the state they wish to practice in. Unfortunately, you can’t be an agent in another state unless you obtain a license in that specific region. However, when it comes to working with the government, the license is optional.

These people are not looking for real estate agents. They are not looking for your license. They are not looking for experience. They are not looking for your references. They are looking for that office space. That’s it.

“I think the best part about it was they didn’t care about my experience, they didn’t care about a real estate license, they didn’t care about references. They wanted what they wanted, and they told you, ‘This is what we want,’” stated Nikiya.

You Don’t Even Need to Bid Sometimes

This game is all about relationships, and when you are already in the space, you can leverage the relationships that you have been building to get more contracts.

SBA Administrator
Courtesy: SBA

“A few weeks after they were into the office, I get an email. ‘Hey, Nikia, we need another office space. Are you able to get one in that same building for the same price?’ You mean the one that gave me a profit of $24,000? Yeah, I get you another office space. So next month, they’ll be leasing another office space. No bidding, no nothing,” said the realtor.

Nikiya gets more and more contracts because she shows that she can get the works done, she knows where to find the ideal properties, and when the tenants move in, they like the space, they like the person that gets them this beautiful and convenient office. This means that they keep coming back to her whenever they need to have a new office space.

You Just Need to Connect to the Internet

What’s wonderful about this space is that there are so many properties out there. This is not about HUD, GSA, or the Army, there are so many other agents. But people might wonder if they have to be on site in order to bid on the project, the answer is no.

As stated by Nikiya, “If you’re concerned about where to start, let me tell you something: a real estate commission check is totally different and a whole lot more work than this, honestly. And it’s not a thing about, ‘Well, what about in my state?’”

She has pointed out no matter where you are, if you have internet access, you are good to go. You don’t even have to live in America to take those opportunities.

The Government is Willing to Pay in Advance

At first, Nikiya Hudson thought that the government would pay her back every month, but the truth was that they paid her $35,000 in just one transaction. This means that the government is willing to pay in advance.

Now, when Nikiya has a $35,000 to play, according to Kizzy Parks, she can go back to the owner and renegotiate $900 a month for all at once payment.

Nikiya added to the point, “And it’s the best part too because they’re even like, ‘Oh, if you give us two tenants, we’ll give you a discount. Even better, I’ll pay in full if we do a discount. I’ll just pay the lease outright.’”

And when you have money, you can take bigger risks. For example, some owners may want deposit or all the upfront payments. That’s when you can use money to make sure that the owner will keep the property for you and no one can touch it.

The Lowest Hanging Fruit for the Most Profit

“This is just an office space. Normally, they have to place six or seven people and they need thousands of square footage. So this is like literally the lowest hanging fruit you can get next to like, you know, lawn services and things like that, which of course, I’m getting into. This is things you don’t really even have to put that much thought into. This is the lowest hanging fruit for the most profit,” said Nikiya Hudson.

As shared by Kizzy Parks, the key point is that leases often lead to long-term occupancy, creating a sense of comfort and attachment to the space. Over time, occupants may express a desire to purchase the building rather than continue renting, citing reasons such as avoiding ongoing rental expenses and utilizing taxpayer funds more efficiently.

That’s why Nikiya stated to ask the owners the cost of purchasing the property and present it in her bid.

Nikiya shared, “I’ve asked if it’s either a broker or the owner, whoever has the building, also could give me the cost to purchase this because most of the leases are for 5 years. Literally, the price for five years is the price that it would take to buy it. So I’m presenting that with my bid again. I’m giving them all the information.”

SBA conference
Courtesy: SBA

And what’s great about this, even when they buy the building, Nikiya’s still making a profit. For instance, Nikiya has been working on a project to find a 7,000 square feet place to store an airplane. They don’t require any services, just a place to store an airplane for 5 years.

“So, in a commercial lease, your price is by square footage. So let’s say that you’re going to do, you know, $20 times… You want to make if you’re going to be responsible for the lights, if you are going to send a cleaning crew, you want to put everything in that square footage price to price it out.” according to Nikiya.

After calculating, she came up to $1.7 million, it was still lower than the $1.9 million they were spending previously. She is still under, and she is saving the money. And this is just a solicitation. This is not an open bid. She won’t have competition.

“And of course, in my true fashion, I’m showing them exactly where it’s located, here’s security, I can put a security camera right here, this is what that’s going to be, all included in your price. Or you can go ahead and purchase it for 1.8 million, and guess who makes $350,000 off of that?” Nikiya expressed.

Clean Your Head up And Just Start

Let’s say this again, Nikiya has been waiting for 2 years because she thought that government contract is a daunting thing to do. And Nikiya isn’t alone in this. Many folks tend to overcomplicate things, not because it’s necessary, but often because they’re trying to keep others out of the game, they’re not fully informed, or they’re held back by fear, self-imposed limitations, or a scarcity mindset.

“You come up with stuff all the time, but there is a solution for everything,” said Nikiya Hudson

She said, “You can’t get a solicitation if you’re sitting on my couch. How do they know you? How would they reach out to you? You’ve got to start.”

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