3 Aspects of Benchmarking to Speed up on the Sale Race
The burden is on!
You want to stop draining off money on Logistics and Supply Chain field and create more opportunities for enhancement, don’t you?
Of course, you want it.
Benchmarking may help to solve this problem. As the benchmarking gain, we can enhance performance and find out current issues and provide sufficient solutions. We can ask the outsourcing consultant companies to provide methods to drive advanced performance that raises business sales. Before entering to develop one’s standard, you have to understand clearly its core and how it works. So, let’s see what the requirements of your Logistics and Supply Chain are.
1. Understand the Definition of Benchmarking
Benchmarking is technically a comparison: Comparing you against other competitors in the same sector. We will see different levels of performance and sophistication in logistics, then we can notice what is your current rank, how far your competitor leaves you and seek out for the particular solutions to solve your entire weaknesses.
If you want to be the fastest in the race, your priority is understanding what is benchmarking, and your current rank that you can speed up to catch up the world’s trend. You can benchmark one or whole supply chains, depends on your condition and ambition.
Benchmarking reflects how flexible you are; how fast you catch up with the trend; how smart you solve problems; notably, how can you find the right consultant, particularly outsourcing consultant. Thinking about it might be easy, but in reality, I doubt about it. If you desire to scale up your business, you need to compare and identify your issues.

2. The Advantages When Benchmarking

We both understand a straightforward theory that if you don’t know well about your business, you cannot manage and develop it. It is entirely correct for all dimension of business, notably supply chain that involves several aspects. First, let’s question yourself:
- Do know how to enhance the key segments of your Supply Chain against competitors?
- Do you know how to develop your competitive advantage to surpass your competitors?
- What are your key performance indicators to maximize performance?
- What technology you are currently possessing?
- Have you ever think about outsourcing?
These questions, I think a sufficient outsourcing consultant might help you with their experience. Moreover, they will establish a full picture of your company’s condition which you have to understand and start to benchmark under the partnership with vendors since they are the one who can help to scale your business up and share the pressure with you.
There is a saying that “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together”. “Go alone”, you may miss out major opportunities.
3. Procedure of Benchmarking

The first question you should question yourself is “how good is my supply chain service?” since service is obviously a competitive advantage for your business.
Next, what is your current rank? These second questions can discourage businesses since it makes them face directly with their weaknesses and compare against their competitor. These questions can be harder if your business database is subjective and hard to access. Therefore, you have to enhance your system first to manage data easily, so all weaknesses and mistakes are clear and easy to handle.
Subsequent priority is cost-effective: how much our service cost, are we hemorrhaging our budget on unnecessary categories? Is our system outdated? These questions all lead to the pricing issues whose solutions are outstanding systems which can lower the cost. In other words, we demand a suitable outsourcing provider to have a guarantee of accuracy.
Successfully conducting benchmarking in supply chain and logistics service can ultimate database and reach higher KPIs from several sectors of the supply chain, especially resolve current issues and expand the range of industry.
Benchmarking is not only the theory, yet it’s wide progress that requires an expert consultant to go along with you, anticipate future tendency and offering sufficient solutions. Facing with your own weakness maybe not that easy, but it is certainly a good move to understand yourself, promote strengths and reduce weaknesses at little as possible.
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