Infographic: The Best Deals of Logistics Management Software for You

The best method to choose the right Logistics management software between various brands is to look at their users’ reviews, the level of perceived value, and their popularity.
Infographic: The Best Deals of Logistics Management Software for You 1
By | 5 min read

There are five main reasons why Logistics management software is on high demand by companies all over the world:

  • Integration of business
  • Reduce delivery time
  • Streamlining processes
  • Reduce cost
  • Eliminate human errors
The Best Deals Of Logistics Management Software-Fig 1
Image credit: EnvZone

Now, let’s take a look at the major players in the market for Logistics management software in  four different categories:

  • The ERP System.
  • Demand planning software.
  • Distribution software.
  • Inventory management software.

The comparison is based on the popularity, users’ rating, and which industry the users are in.

Logistics-Top Logistics Management Software in 2019
Image credit: EnvZone

Hope that you could choose the right Logistics management software for your company.

Or, you may want to further customize your decision. You can make a sofware that is fit for your company, eliminate junky functions that cost you for nothing, then instead of buying a general one you could develop your own or outsource the Logistic management software project to a sofware development firm.

One of my other post will show you the best method to develop a sofware- The Privileges of Applying Agile Software Development in Logistics.


  • About: Samuel Vu
    Samuel is a Market Strategy Analyst at EnvZone with a diverse range of experience. Having worked with teams across industries from financial services, logistics, supply chain to real estate, Samuel’s…