Clickfunnels vs Leadpages: The Similarities and Differences to Know

Clickfunnels vs Leadpages: there are a few differences in offerings for marketers as well. We think that knowing what these differences are is really going to help you decide which is best for you.
Clickfunnels vs Leadpages: The Similarities and Differences to Know 1
By | 9 min read

If you have been looking into which landing page or funnel software tool to buy, chances are, you have come across both of these. Clickfunnels ​vs Leadpages. In our opinion, these two are probably the top ones on the market right now. This makes it a very good choice to compare side by side.

Both options give you a “virtual ton” of options and ways to build some of the high quality and converting landing pages or marketing sales funnels on the market today.

In this article, you will better understand and be able to make a more accurate comparison of Clickfunnels ​vs Leadpages.

What is a Landing Page?

A landing page can be any page of your website that a new visitor lands on first. By definition, a landing page could be an email opt-in page, a sales page, your home page, a blog post, an “About Us” page, a product listing, or pretty much any other type of page you’d drive direct traffic to.

In marketing, your goal is to create optimized landing pages to welcome first-time visitors and help them learn about your product. You may not make the sale, but you can convert them from first-time visitors into email subscribers by offering lead magnets, such as free ebooks or an email course. From there– inside the inbox– you can nurture your leads until they become customers. And you can continue nurturing those customers until they become repeat customers and affiliates for your brand.

What is Clickfunnels?

ClickFunnels on the other hand is an online sales funnel builder marketing, selling, and delivery of business products online in one platform. ClickFunnels incorporates web hosting, landing pages, email autoresponders among others. It offers you a comprehensive, unified LeadPages package for your small business.

Like LeadPages, ClickFunnels has a user-friendly interface that lets you integrate videos, animations, and other elements into your templates. ClickFunnels focus on building effective landing pages will play a key role in maximizing profits in your business.

Features that both Leadpages vs Clickfunnels have

​The interface ​via ​both ​Clickfunnels and Leadpages business tools boasts a huge number of things that you can do with them to not only make your pages look amazing, but also be able to convert well.  We can all agree that the converting is the most important part to help you grow your online business!

Here is a list:

  • Both Leadpages and Clickfunnels ​offer a ​web Wysiwyg editor that allows you to drag and drop customization of each element on a page or set of pages quickly and easily.
  • Both Leadpages and Clickfunnels have ​FREE trials offer that lets you try before you buy!  Get testing a landing page in minutes at no risk.
  • Ability to easily integrate things ​for one-time offs and up-sells as well as an email service provider.
  • Clickfunnel vs Leadpages has ​traffic stats for your campaigns to give you access to your traffic numbers and conversion rate and lead scoring at a glance. Great for when you are testing different things for conversion rates.
  • Tons of templates to start with to make sure that your high-converting landing page design comes out beautiful but converts well at the same time. Turn leads into customers!
  • Simple dashboard interface editor that organizes things very well. Save hours of performance creating and focus on goals!
  • Leadpages and Clickfunnels offer a platform dashboard that can ​easily add custom domains.
  • Manage all your downloadable digital assets and do digital asset and lead magnet and digital asset delivery automatically.
  • Create and save reusable templates for your business pages.
  • Lead pages and Click Funnels have the ​ability to collect emails and set up email marketing sending for things like promotional email lists, resetting passwords, sending shipping notifications.
  • Maintain a list of emails and opt-ins that you want to stay unsubscribed to all your lists. Capture customer’s ​leads easily!
  • Very detailed help document section that can answer many questions that pop up while working with​ the product.  If this doesn’t help you, an online chat is available as well.
  • Need to integrate with other connected services and payment gateways? It offers easy integration with all the most popular email marketing software, host webinar, messaging, content marketing, etc services out there. Just takes a few clicks to connect these services with your landing page or marketing funnel.
  • An awesome affiliate program with tons of marketing materials to use and different products or alternatives to promote.
  • Configurable ​basic SEO settings for pages (title tags, headings, meta descriptions, meta keywords, etc).
  • Fully mobile responsive.
  • Split testing settings that allow you to create landing page variations and goal A/B test them against each other to find the best-converting page. Creating landing pages is fun too!
  • Add tracking codes, such as Google Analytics or Google Adwords to your head or body sections of your page.
  • Available WordPress plugin that allows you to publish your pages right to your WordPress site.
  • Add all the most popular social media sharing buttons to all your existing pages on your campaigns, blog posts, or other pages.
  • Ability to easily drop pixels and other tracking code into your marketing automation pages.
  • Fast website hosting for your pages and funnels. Clickfunnels and Leadpages ​offer excellent hosting for their pages.
  • Ability to share funnels with other users or entrepreneurs that have them already pre-built.

ClickFunnels VS LeadPages: Major Differences

While there are quite a few similarities among the Click Funnels and Leadpages platform, as seen above, there are a few differences in offerings for marketers as well. We think that knowing what these differences are is really going to help you decide which is best for you.

​Clickfunnels is easier to use (in our opinion). Why? Well, when you select your template, the entire Clickfunnels funnel process is created and all tied together automatically. So after that you just need to edit each page and you are good to go. You can also easily add, change and delete steps in the funnel right from the website editor with a few simple clicks.

With Leadpages, compared to Clickfunnels, you need to create each page individually and tie them together manually into a funnel. Still works well but a bit more cumbersome.

Here are other differences of management capabilities that we found with Leadpages compared to Clickfunnels:

  • ClickFunnels is an all-in-one sales funnel application that lets you create landing pages, send email autoresponders, process sales and host events from within one application.
  • Leadpages is a dedicated landing page application that makes it easy for you to design conversion optimized landing pages and lead capture forms.

PROS & CONS of ClickFunnels

ClickFunnels is an all-in-one sales funnel application, and it manages every aspect of the sales funnel creation process well. Its biggest strength is its simplicity — instead of having to manage several applications to create a sales funnel, you can do everything using one tool.


  • Managing every aspect of your sales and marketing funnel is simple, since everything is accessible from one application.
  • ClickFunnels includes most features you’ll need to create your sales funnel under the hood, such as a shopping cart and email autoresponder software. This means you can create a funnel for just about every purpose without using a variety of applications.
  • ClickFunnels integrates with Twilio, letting you send automated SMS messages to your funnel subscribers.
  • Since ClickFunnels has a built-in email autoresponder feature, you can create your own email sequence without having to integrate with other software such as MailChimp, Drip or Aweber.
  • Creating landing pages using ClickFunnels is simple, although design options are fairly limited compared with Leadpages. You can add shopping cart buttons, text boxes, video and other page elements with a single click of your mouse.
  • Better SEO ability


  • The ClickFunnels landing page builder is ideal for creating simple lead capture pages, but it isn’t as powerful as the Leadpages Builder. CRO experts and PPC marketers will feel limited by its focus on simplicity instead of customization.
  • Since ClickFunnels is designed to manage every aspect of creating and running a sales funnel, it doesn’t excel in any one category.

ClickFunnels is fantastic software built for a specific audience — online marketers with digital or physical products, private membership communities and coaching services. It makes creating a funnel simple, but since it’s an all-in-one application, it does have some limitations.

PROS & CONS of Leadpages

Leadpages is built from the ground up to do one thing: create great landing pages. If you need to create and test a variety of landing pages for a PPC advertising campaign or product launch and don’t mind sacrificing simplicity for power, Leadpages is the right software for you.


  • Publishing Leadpages content to your WordPress website is simple with the Leadpages WordPress Connector.
  • Integrates with a huge range of applications, from email autoresponder software such as MailChimp to CRM tools like Salesforce.
  • Compared to ClickFunnels, Leadpages has a much more powerful landing page builder with far more customization options. You can drag and drop everything from text boxes to video players, social sharing buttons and more onto your landing page.
  • All Leadpages landing pages are totally responsive and look just as good on mobile as they do on a desktop PC.
  • The Leadpages Builder includes an HTML editor for designers interested in customizing their landing page with their own code.
  • Leadpages comes with hundreds of free and paid landing page templates built for local businesses, app developers, physical product businesses, online marketers and more.
  • Built-in A/B testing and conversion optimization tools make improving your return on ad spend possible from within the Leadpages UI.


  • Leadpages is specialized landing page software, so adding features such as email is a multi-step process that requires integration with other software.
  • LeadPages focuses on building land pages hence there is need for a 3rd party program.

If your main objective is to create excellent landing pages, Leadpages is good choice. It’s a little harder to use, but its huge range of templates and customization tools make it ideal for split testing a variety of landing pages as part of a PPC campaign.

Pricing comparison between Clickfunnels vs Leadpages

1. Clickfunnels

  • ​Start with a 14-day free trial offer.
  • Standard Clickfunnels pricing – starts at $97 per month. This basic plan gives you slots to create up to 20 funnels 100 landing pages and up to 20,000 visitors per month for this platform. All at a great cost.
  • Clickfunnels Etison Suite – $297 ​month. This package basically unlocks all the limitations on the standard plan and makes the number of funnels/landing unlimited website traffic and pages. Includes Actionetics email autoresponder software and Backpack.

2. Leadpages

  • ​Start with a 14-day free trial.
  • Standard Leadpages pricing – $​37 per month. Great starter account that gives you access to many features but some are locked out.
  • Leadpages Pro Plan – $97 ​month. This is their most popular plan and it goes you full access other than priority email support, some of the advanced email integrations, virtual workshops, etc.
  • Leadpages Advanced – $321 per month. The advanced plan is a complete access to everything including a 1-on-1 call to help you get started.

Support Available

​As you would expect, Leadpages and Clickfunnels have excellent methods for customer support when you need it.

1. Clickfunnels

  • ​Detailed searchable Knowledgebase for quick and instant answers to your questions.
  • Online marketing messaging system.
  • Lots of helpful tutorial videos.

2. Leadpages

  • ​The level of support you get really depends on the account level that you choose.  Higher tiers include things like one-on-one quick start calls, priority phone support and virtual workshops.
  • Detailed knowledge base.
  • Contact form.
  • Weekly Q&A coaching funnels webinars.


ClickFunnels and Leadpages are both great tools for creating landing pages and sales funnels.

When you create a sales funnel, you really are building and launching a mini-business. Each with its own nuances and intricacies.

That’s why it’s incredibly important to pick the right landing page software to build out your sales funnels. It’s the lifeblood of your small business. It’s the conduit to all traffic, leads and, ultimately, sales. Obviously, there’s no perfect answer here when comparing the two. But, this deep-dive should give you some serious insight into both platforms.

  • About: Anna Doan
    Anna joins EnvZone as a Communications Coordinator, her activities have ranged from working with clients from associations to enterprises. She is focused on helping clients understand the full potential of…