Breaking Barriers: Three Women Leading the Charge in Health and Wellness

Since women are uniquely equipped to excel in the healthcare industry, it's essential to recognize and celebrate those who are making significant contributions to shaping the health and wellness landscape
three founders on the frontpage
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By | 8 min read

Despite making up nearly half of the U.S. workforce, women often find themselves underrepresented in the upper echelons of leadership. In bustling boardrooms and corner offices across America, only about 25% of executive roles and 29% of senior management positions are held by women.

At Fortune 500 companies, the numbers are even slimmer—women hold just 10.4% of leadership positions. Yet, amidst this disparity, there’s a glimmer of progress. A record-breaking 52 female CEOs now lead businesses on the Fortune 500 list, marking a significant milestone.

This imbalance isn’t unique to corporate America—it extends across nearly every industry, and healthcare is no exception. In fact, the healthcare sector paints an even starker picture. Women make up an astounding 80% of the healthcare workforce in the United States, serving as the backbone of patient care, administration, and innovation. Yet, when it comes to key leadership roles, their presence dwindles to less than 20%.

Women Need to Be in Top Healthcare Leadership Positions

According to Dr. Elizabeth Garner, the U.S. Chief Scientific Officer at Ferring Pharmaceuticals and the President of the American Medical Women’s Association (AMWA) for the 2024-2025 term, there is a critical need for more women in top leadership positions across various sectors, especially in the healthcare industry.

She said, “Women are achieving great entry into leadership and C-suite positions, but for me, that’s not enough. We need the top decision-makers, and we definitely continue to lag in that area. My hypothesis is that with more women deciders at the top, we will be able to deal with some of the key issues that women face on a daily basis.”

She added, “These women at the top will understand the impact on the quality of life for women and the business benefits of having healthier women and moms at work. All of this ultimately supports women’s health.”

As shared by Dr. Elizabeth Garner, in the Fortune 500, over 10% of companies are now led by women, but men still run more than 10 times as many companies. Only four women of color have ever been CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, with only one currently in position. Among the top 10 pharmaceutical companies in the U.S., only one has a female CEO.

In hospital systems and health insurance companies, only 15% and 16% of CEO roles, respectively, are held by women. Organizations with gender-diverse senior leadership are more likely to have a woman as a CEO. Women comprise 27% of board directors at Russell 3000 companies, but only 7% are board chairs.

In academic medical institutions, only 15% of academic medicine departments and 16% of medical school deans are led by women. Women’s health has suffered from serious underinvestment, with only 1% of the $200 billion spent on biopharma R&D in 2020 going towards female-specific conditions.

This has led to high maternal mortality rates, insufficient treatments for conditions like preeclampsia and pre-term labor, and a lack of proper treatments for menopause and endometriosis.

However, Dr. Elizabeth Garner expresses optimism about the future of women’s leadership in healthcare and beyond, highlighting several positive trends and offering practical advice for both aspiring and current leaders.

She notes that “there is change happening,” pointing out the growing number of investment firms founded by women that focus on women’s health, as well as an increase in women’s startups, particularly in services and devices. 

Women-Owned Businesses’ Changing Health and Wellness Industry

Dr. Elizabeth Garner has shared some undeniable truths. Every day, we witness more and more women stepping into leadership roles within the industry, much like the three remarkable women we’ll highlight below.

Experience Chiropractic – Revolutionizing Prenatal Care

the team at one of the 3 startups at their office
Courtesy: Dr. Brandie Elizabeth Keates

Dr. Brandie Elizabeth Keates is the founder, CEO, and Lead Chiropractic Doctor at Experience Chiropractic. She established the business in 2003 after graduating from the Cleveland College of Chiropractic in Kansas City. Her background includes decades of clinical experience as a paramedic, sports chiropractor, and her chiropractic education.

Dr. Keates founded Experience Chiropractic after her difficult pregnancy experience in 2006, which made her a dauntless advocate for mothers. She is dedicated to helping her pregnant and postpartum patients live the life they love throughout their pregnancy, find pain relief, get back to work, and take care of their kids. This passion also led her to author “What You Don’t Expect When You’re Expecting,” aimed at educating and empowering women to overcome pregnancy pain.

Experience Chiropractic serves the greater King of Prussia area with a team of 10 employees, seeing 400–500 patients per week, mostly pregnant and postpartum women. In 2021, they had over 22,000 patient appointments. The business also provides massage therapy, pediatric chiropractic care, sports injury prevention and recovery, electrical stimulation therapy, and kinesiology taping.

Dr. Keates faced significant struggles during the COVID-19 pandemic, which cut their sales and forced the closure of their satellite office in Conshohocken. The practice, serving at-risk patients like expecting mothers and the elderly, saw a decline in patient visits. However, Dr. Keates leveraged SBA-guaranteed loans and received two Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans and a COVID Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) to keep the business afloat. These efforts helped Experience Chiropractic survive the pandemic.

What makes Experience Chiropractic special is its focus on prenatal care through the Bloom at Experience Chiropractic division. Dr. Keates combines her extensive prenatal training and sports medicine expertise, certified by the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association, to offer specialized treatment for children and pregnant women. The Bloom Philosophy is the heart of her practice, changing prenatal care worldwide and forming the basis of her book and online courses.

Besides her endeavor, Dr. Keates is the Vice President of the Pediatrics and Pregnancy Subcommittee of the Pennsylvania Chiropractic Association (PCA) and an active board member. She has received numerous awards, including the High Honor of Clinical Excellence Award from Cleveland University-Kansas City, the 2020 President’s Award for Service from PCA, and the U.S. SBA’s Eastern PA District Office 2023 Woman-Owned Small Business of the Year.

Jackson Hole Mobile Massage – Nurturing Health and Healing

Amanda Martin is the founder and owner of Jackson Hole Mobile Massage, a business she started in 2002. With a background in therapeutic massage, Amanda and her team of experienced therapists aim to create a serene and safe environment for clients to relax and heal on emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual levels. Their mission is to provide high-quality experiences that enhance clients’ lives through healing and body awareness.

Amanda’s journey began with her entrepreneurial spirit and passion for helping others, which led her to attend massage school. She always dreamed of opening her own practice in Jackson, a place she fell in love with as a child. Reflecting on her decision, she said, “I visited Jackson as an eight-year-old and, from that time forward, I’ve never wanted to be anywhere else. I realized this community could support a business like mine, and I’ve learned that anything is possible here if you put your mind to it. I made the leap in 2006, and I can’t imagine doing anything else.”

one of the founder of the startups
Courtesy: Jackson Hole

Over the past sixteen years, Jackson Hole Mobile Massage has become a cornerstone of the Jackson community and surrounding areas. Amanda and her team not only offer quality massage services but also focus on promoting overall health and well-being for their clients. Amanda explained, “I’ve always wanted a business where I could travel to people’s homes or be in nature, and Jackson is perfect for that. We connect with clients where they are, and because this is a place where hard work meets hard play, we’ve developed services that meet those needs.”

The COVID-19 pandemic posed significant challenges for Jackson Hole Mobile Massage, forcing the business to close temporarily. Amanda described the experience, saying, “It’s not like we could do virtual massages. The business community here had a sense of resiliency – we’d all get through this together – but as time went on, the uncertainty grew. It was tough.” Despite these challenges, Amanda and her team adapted by seeking support and finding new ways to grow their business. They received assistance from SBA disaster programs, such as the Paycheck Protection Program, and state programs providing PPE. Amanda also worked with the Wyoming Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Network, which she credits with helping her business reach “the next level.”

What sets Jackson Hole Mobile Massage apart is its dedication to connecting with clients in their homes or natural settings, promoting holistic health and well-being. The business has been recognized for its community involvement and resilience, winning the 2023 U.S. Small Business Administration Wyoming District Office’s Spirit of Wyoming award. Amanda and her team will receive the award during National Small Business Week, held April 30 through May 6, 2023.

Amanda is also committed to supporting other small businesses in the Jackson community and regularly donates services to non-profits. She believes in giving back, saying, “There are quite a few charities that we care about and that we’ve supported over the years. Many times, I’ve donated massage services for charity auctions, and those seem to do pretty well. I’ve always felt it was important to support our community because our community has been so supportive of us.”

RapiFast – Rapid Testing with Innovation and Precision

Sara Rossel’s journey is a testament to perseverance and adaptability. Growing up in Argentina, she was inspired by her mother’s stories of escaping Italy during World War II and starting anew in a foreign land. This resilience influenced Sara’s own path as she transitioned from studying dentistry to becoming a successful entrepreneur in the U.S.

Sara is the Founder and CEO of RapiFast LLC, a Metro Atlanta-based company specializing in medical devices and test kits that emphasize prevention and rapid results. Reflecting on her global travels, Sara noted, “I realized that rapid testing devices are essential in various scenarios, including first aid, accidents, point of care, border areas, armed forces, and health campaigns.”

When the pandemic struck, Sara swiftly launched RapiFast’s COVID-19 mobile testing service, making her company one of the first in the U.S. to offer this crucial service. However, as a startup, she faced challenges in scaling production. Sara sought assistance from Access to Capital for Entrepreneurs (ACE), an SBA resource partner, which provided her with coaching, business plan support, and a loan. She also received exporting guidance from the University of Georgia Small Business Development Center’s U.S. Export Assistance Center.

the founder at health startup
Courtesy: Sara Rossel

In 2023, Sara was chosen to participate in the SBA T.H.R.I.V.E. Emerging Leaders program, a six-month executive leadership course. She remarked, “Curiosity and the desire to build my own brand led me to ACE and SBA, where I found invaluable tools to educate myself and strengthen my business. These institutions have been pivotal, enabling me to celebrate the first closing of a contract with the U.S. Navy.”

RapiFast offers quick response medical device kits, leveraging the latest technology for prevention and innovation. Headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, the company is expanding its presence to South America, Central America, and Europe. All RapiFast products are FDA and CE certified, delivering results in under 5 minutes with over 99% accuracy. RapiFast LLC is also certified as a Women’s Business Enterprise (WBE) by the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC).

Beyond her business, Sara is a published author and coach, helping individuals transform their lives. Her books, “Transform Your Pain into Power—A Journey to Overcoming and Thriving” and “Toxic Relationships,” focus on personal and professional empowerment. As the CEO of RapiFast, Sara leads with a global vision, emphasizing health sector innovation and strategic partnerships for sustainable growth.

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