Gearo is an online outdoor gear marketplace and booking platform. We are on a mission to consolidate all outdoor gear into one view for comparable purchases and rentals. Gearo helps outdoor gear shops grow and run their businesses, by empowering consumers to discover and purchase or rent the perfect equipment for their next adventure.
We’re on a mission to simplify the rental gear discovery and booking process. To make this happen, we partner with the best mom and pop rental shops around, equipping them with the management tools they need to grow and thrive, while providing gear-seekers with a convenient, consolidated view of bookable online gear rentals.
With purpose-built features like inventory management, real-time booking calendars and detailed reporting, Gearo is so much more than a marketing tool, but yeah, we provide marketing solutions for our shops, too! Every transaction generated through Gearo helps keep our local mom and pop shops thriving. Shop Gearo and Support Local.