Created by Colorado for Coloradans, Connect for Health Colorado is a public, non-profit entity established by the Colorado General Assembly in 2011 to create a health insurance Marketplace. It opened for business on Oct. 1, 2013, for individuals, families and small employers across Colorado to purchase health insurance and get financial help to reduce costs.
In addition to the shopping website, Connect for Health Colorado offers a statewide customer support network of Customer Service Center Representatives, Assisters and licensed Brokers to help Coloradans find the best health plan for their needs. Connect for Health Colorado is the only place where Coloradans can apply for Premium Tax Credits and Cost-Sharing Reductions to help pay for commercial insurance coverage.
The mission of Connect for Health Colorado is to increase access, affordability, and choice for individuals and small employers purchasing health insurance in Colorado. Legally known as the Colorado Health Benefit Exchange, Connect for Health Colorado is a nonprofit organization that is governed by a Board of Directors with additional direction from a committee of state legislators, known as the Colorado Health Insurance Exchange Oversight Committee.