Talk About Our Businesses
Passive Income & Online Business Owners
Please read our guidelines before attending:
Here is a bit more about our meetups…
• Lots of ideas, and quickly- We’re all about sharing actionable tidbits. I learn tons of new stuff every time we meet because we spend time skimming over lots of ideas on a broad range of topics related to online income instead of deep-diving into one thing.
• Do some research- For common ways to earn (info products, affiliates, Amazon, membership sites, etc.) you’ll get the most out of our group by first doing research on your own about the basics.
• No idea where to start?- I occasionally post Q&A meetings for new people who are just gathering ideas on what to build or buy but you’d have fun at most meetings hearing what others are doing.
• Check member profiles before you visit- Please familiarize yourself with the profiles of who’s attending as a quick way to get yourself up to speed. Other than a quick “hi” we spend little time on introductions so we can use most of the meeting to talk to each other about ways to execute revenue producing strategies or grow our businesses.
• Venue- We try to be good customers for the small businesses that make room for us. Please help make sure they’re happy to see us next time and purchase at least a beverage. No outside food or bev permitted, no exceptions. Thanks for your help.
Take a break from working by yourself, and drop in for a cup of coffee and some good conversation.