Start-up - Governance & Business Development - Webinar via Zoom - Entrepreneurship 101 Mini-Series - Session 1

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WHEN: Friday, March 8, 2024

Registration is $50.00 per registrant for standalone sessions. If we have not received your payment, your seat can be released to the waitlist. Sessions NOT recorded. 

Session 1: March 8, 2024: 9:30am-11:30am “Start-up: Governance & Business Development”
Successful businesses begin with a great idea for providing products or services that others need or want. But a great idea alone will not suffice to maintain success long-term; deliberate thought about organizational structure, long-term succession planning, and a realistic strategy for marketing constitute the critical foundation for building a legacy company. This training session discusses the essential building blocks for starting a business and finding customers.

To register for the full series (all sessions – 3/8, 3/15, 3/22, 3/29/2024 from 9:30 am cst – 11:30 am cst), visit this link: 

Registration for the full series is $200.00 per registrant and includes all four sessions. Register:

Presented by: Gravity Leadership & Management, LLC. 

Sessions NOT recorded. 


Online event

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