SCORE Monmouth NJ: Foundations of ChatGPT plus other useful AI tools with Mega Jewell:

Hosted by

SCORE Monmouth NJ

WHEN: Wednesday, August 30, 2023

About the event

You’ll walk away from the workshop with the following:
• Understanding the basic tools available for your business marketing.
• Questions and resources to ask ChatGPT to help develop your content and strategy.
• Build out up to five posts or creatives for your upcoming marketing assets.

About the presenter: Mega Jewell

Mega Jewell is a strategic communications leader focused on cultivating customer lifetime value. She has over a decade of experience in broadcast media, strategy development, and implementation in the nonprofit, small business, and B2B tech sectors.

Mega started her career in television news reporting and anchoring and transitioned her expertise to training professionals into media pros.

Mega lives in Southern California with her three dogs and husband, Jeremy.



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