Sales Strategy for Startups & Small Businesses

Hosted by

Indian Startups - America

WHEN: Tuesday, March 1, 2022


Note: This Session is also a part of the Entrepreneur Development Program (EDP-2022). For those who registered for the complete EDP-2022 Program, this session is free.

45 min followed with Q & A
How many ways can one do business…???

  • Introduction of 10 ways of doing business
  • Readiness for each of the business
  • How to choose the best options in your business.

What is a Lead 50min followed with Q & A
Who is our Lead
Stages of a Lead
Classification of a Lead & its importance
How to convert these Leads
7 Top Negotiation skills to be an effective negotiator

45 min followed with Q & A
What is a Sales Deck

  • Importance of a Sales Deck
  • How is it relevant in modern days business
  • Why a company must have various versions of Sales Deck
  • How to frame a Sales Deck
  • Why Storyline / Customization & visualization is important?
  • Factors to consider drafting a Sales Deck.

45 min followed with Q & A
What is a Sales Pitch ?

  • Importance of Sales Pitch
  • How to prepare a Sales Pitch
  • How to effectively use the SALES DECK as to tool
  • How can one be impactful while doing a Sales Pitch
  • Important tips of effective sales pitch
  • 7 winning mantra of Sales Pitch

Online event

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