Sacred Economies: How it Applies to Business & Life and Why it Matters

Hosted by

Happy Healthy Women - Calgary, AB

WHEN: Sunday, May 1, 2022

“Wanting MORE – what does this mean and how does it impact how we create our lives and our businesses and the planet”

This statement will set the tone for our gathering on this topic where the intention is to have you come way with three awareness’s for yourself.

1. Are you creating from a place of wanting more, lack and loss?
2. How does that impact what we are doing?
3. And what does it mean to create from a place of flow, not more, in our lives and why that matters?

Come and explore some basic principles of what some might call Sacred Economies.

During this discussion Andrea will bring new ideas to help all of us to think and act differently in business and in our lives, including new sacred models that allow us all to move forward and flourish from the soul rather than the limiting human mind.

Andrea is the co-founder of My Conscious Wellness and Love Evolution, Cleary Conscious Energetics, leaders in the consciousness and alternative wellness space. The focus of their organizations is on the expansion of conscious awareness through love.


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