Prime Health presents Jake Rishavy & The Colorado Smart Cities Alliance
Prime Health
Prime Health presents Colorado Smart Cities Alliance & The Future of Health Care with Jake Rishavy
Do YOU know about Colorado’s Smart Cities Alliance?
What’s a smart city beyond a marketing buzzword? Examples of cities, towns, and regions being intelligent about their growth, focused on quality of life, and their envisioned futures exist from 100, 500, even 1000 years ago. While this optimal state has long been pursued, it has never been achieved. So, why can we succeed today while so many before us have failed?
Join us as Jake Rishavy educates on what the Smart Cities Alliance is, how it relates to health and health innovation, shares an inspirational vision for the future, and informs us on opportunities to get involved.
Refreshments and networking begin at 5:30. Presentation begins at 6:15, followed by Q&A.
This event is free and open to the public. We look forward to seeing you!
In addition to co-founding the Colorado Smart Cities Alliance, Jake Rishavy is the Vice President of Innovation for the Denver South Economic Development Partnership. In this role, he provides board-level and strategic leadership to two initiatives he co-founded including Prime Health, a business ecosystem aimed at accelerating the growth of 145 Colorado-based HealthTech companies, and TechrIoT, a national ecosystem and accelerator for emerging Internet of Things (IoT) companies. Additionally, his work includes the development of a regional framework for implementing Smart City and IoT technology and applications throughout the Denver South region, which represents 7 of Colorado’s 10 Fortune 500 companies, 200,000 employees and nearly 20% of the state’s economy. This work is conducted with the goal of creating a cohesive approach to developing public/private technology partnerships to enhance service delivery and improve quality of life in the region and throughout the state. Technologies of interest include transportation and mobility, public safety, resilience, resource efficiency (water, energy, etc.,) food security, affordable and alternative housing and municipal process improvement, among many others.