Positive Impact Business Networking GTA 

Hosted by

Positive Impact Networking GTA

WHEN: Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Positive Impact Business Networking (PIBN) allows serious business owners to strategize, market products or services, and support their business objectives. PIBN provides robust discussions and the exchange of best practices for business owners. The meetings are structured. Here is an agenda for our online meetings:

  • Informal networking for the first 15 minutes while people login
  • Every attendee will have 1 minute to promote their business
  • Every week, one of our members will give a special presentation in his/her area of expertise.

This event is FREE. However, PIBN believes positive Impact should create positive outcomes. We believe in giving back. Instead of charging an event fee of $15 for each guest, we hope you will make a contribution by joining us in supporting Covenant House, a charitable organization that helps homeless youths. Go to covenanthousetoronto.ca


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