Pizza Session: Spatial DataScience
Real Data Science Denver
We can proudly announce the next Pizza Session will be delivered by Philippa Wood as part of PA’s GeoPA team to promote Spatial Data Science. She will provide a deep-dive into spatial data solutions with data-driven decision support to help overcome multi-objective project challenges and support strategic decision making.
“GIS (Geographical Information Systems) is starting to happen more outside of traditional GIS tools – allowing more sophisticated spatial analyses to take place in connection with new Data Science & Big Data solutions. This shift is allowing Spatial Data Science to emerge as a discipline with greater interactivity with Open Source & Cloud technologies” (Carto, 2022)
Data Scientists have a pivotal role as they are driving a surge in a new type of spatial data user and a remarkable industry-wide transformation.
Pippa will showcase SILA, her postgraduate research Spatial Investment Location Analysis solution that aims to find similarities in complexity and provide data-driven decision support to stakeholders for complex multi-parameter and interdisciplinary problems in a real-world environment, as commonly found within sustainability, network performance, resilience and operational strategy applications.
This session will demonstrate the end to end development supply chain of the Spatial Data Science model that instigated SILA and will use the case example of defining a Healthy Streets Classification for London. The talk will outline:
- What is Spatial Data Science and emerging trends?
- The elements of a Spatial Data Science model
- What is Spatial Multi-Objective Analysis and the theory behind it?
- Introducing SILA, applications and use cases
- Deep dive into the development components of SILA and how to respect spatial principles
- spatial data pre-processing & enrichment using data science and GIS principles,
- clustering machine learning algorithms and visualisation using Python, and
- spatial interactive visualisation using web mapping application to provide an immersive reporting experience (demo)
Following pizza, there will be the chance to build your own webmapping visualisation model in Sample datasets will be provided OR bring your own csv data with coordinates or geojson files with geometry to overlay.
Hope to see you there,