Matching Service Providers and Entrepreneurs

Hosted by

Boulder Startup Meetup (SUMU) 2.0

WHEN: Thursday, May 12, 2022

We’re back! The Meetup group has grown (both in members and members’ locations) and the pandemic remains, making in-person meetups both impractical and inadvisable, so we’ll continue this “Matching Service Providers and Entrepreneurs” event virtually until further notice.

We want to be accountable. The purpose of the Meetup is to network not around cocktails alone, but together on ZOOM. We’ll learn more about our ideas and businesses through the input of others.

The online event is intentional schmoozing. The main ground rules are:

  • share the floor, it’s okay to ask chatty people to settle down
  • be a good listener when not talking
  • be respectful, no mansplaining
  • challenge by choice, some people prefer to listen than talk

Here’s the general schedule:

Introductions and Intentions
5:30pm – 6:00pm – Doors open, we’ll make introductions and state our intentions of being here, something other than “I want to meet new people,” which is why we’re here in the first place. Think of something more specific like “I need help with my website” or “I need someone to help me write a business plan” or “My social media isn’t effective.”

Speed Networking (Mountain Time – USA)
6:00pm – 7:00pm Depending on the number of attendees, we’ll join small breakout rooms for 15 minutes, reconvene, then repeat for up to three rounds.

Debrief and Next Steps
7:00pm to the end What did you learn and what are your next steps?

You’ll get a chance to meet new people, and make some contacts. Everyone always has something in common with others. Randomness can be very rewarding.

Do you provide services like web design, app development, social media marketing, data services, advertising, public relations, video production, photography, accounting, or financing?

If so, there are entrepreneurs looking for what you provide.

Do you have an idea for an app but don’t know where to start, have a prototype and want to scale it, looking for cost-effective cloud solutions, need help adding a payment button on your webpage, or seeking investors?

If so, there are service providers who want to help you solve your entrepreneurial challenges.

Come to be part of this great entrepreneurial culture!


Online event

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