Lessons from a Microsoft Sr. Engineer: Building your Career Skills & Job Hunting

Hosted by

DFW Career and Tech Skills and Networking Bootcamps

WHEN: Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Brought to you by Equipt, a new professional networking platform that makes job hunting and networking 100X easier.

This is a Q&A-based discussion, not a structured presentation — Bring your software engineer questions or challenges, and our facilitator will answer questions and advise on how to best approach progressing your career and job hunting.

Facilitated by Davide Pollicino, an SWE at Microsoft with experience also as Product Manager in the start-up environment. At Microsoft, he works on Teams native shell to expose services used by Teams Desktop Client for Windows 10 and 11. Davide also contributes to Open-Source projects and mentor students and professionals who wish to kick off their careers or pivot into a new one.

Class Details/FAQ

  • Who should attend this? Aspiring or Experienced Software Engineers
  • What is the event format? Guided Q&A and Open Discussion
  • What will I leave with? career skills and job-hunting advice
  • Are there job opportunities? To be announced

Online event

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