Healthy Debate - PM's and Designers Working Together
Denver UX
Hello Designers and Product Managers,
In the world of software, there are many layers to creating an amazing product. Within that world, two roles that intersect are designers and PM’s/PO’s. The varying responsibilities and differing focuses of these two groups can cause internal struggles around how to build the best software/experience.
We are excited to host four experienced individuals in Denver. They will talk to us about their approach to working together, problem solving, and when necessary, entertaining healthy debate that allows them to reach business goals while creating great user experiences.
5:30 Mingle & Mix over food and drinks
6:00 Intro’s
6:15-8pm – Round table discussion
8:05 Q& A / Finish up cleaning and head out ( we want to be respectful of our host studio and leave before 9. However, we encourage our members to build professional relationships and continue the conversation via our slack channel,, or IRL over coffee/ drinks )
We are also proud to announce our newest partnership with Vendavo. They will open up their downtown office to host us with food & drinks for the evening.