Goals With Soul - Rock Your Life In 2020
Jennifer S. and Meg Smit, Weight Loss C.
Maybe you’re looking forward to 2020
… your life is rocking, and so you want more
… your life is ok, and so you want more
… your life is kinda sucking, and so you want more
We all have this in common, we all want more.
Our goals, action plans, bucket lists, are usually a reflection of how we’ve been trained to measure our value with socialized quantifiables —grades, dollars, things, pounds, “likes”. It’s a crazy-making cycle of proving and divisiveness that’s distracting us from really living life––and from the real purpose and passion we were made for. Just look at your day planner for proof – lol!
Today we’ll explore a new approach to vision and goal setting for 2020 (and the rest of your life!) A process that helps you…
…Actively create your life
…Create soul affirming, not soul sucking goals
…Make your feelings matter
…Make decisions based on feeling good
…Alleviate suffering….amplify joy
Get what do you want most, more than anything, absolutely, yes, yes, yes!
Free to Members
$15 for Non-Members – Please RSVP at: https://smithappenz.com/inspired-wellness-network
Event Overview:
Starting at 9:15am, enjoy 15 minutes to mingle. At 9:30, we will hear from all of our event sponsors then, our fabulous guest speaker for the morning will teach, inspire, and provide value with a wellness-inspired topic. Prior to getting back to more networking, we finish our program with special presentations from our gold level practitioner members then give all attendees the opportunity to connect more fully afterwards.
**Table sponsorships and memberships are available: Please call Meg Smit for more information and to reserve your space,[masked] or [masked]