Find a Co-Founder or Friend, Work on Your Business

Hosted by

Atlanta Tech Co-Founders

WHEN: Saturday, May 14, 2022

If you are a startup founder, you are in the right place!

Startup Oasis was created to pierce the illusion of accessibility of startups and tech by creating a grassroots forum for early-stage founders to pitch to those in the tech ecosystem to get real-time feedback for their idea or business.

If you are a startup founder, investor, developer, marketer, or anyone else in the tech ecosystem looking to start, join, or help a tech startup, this event is for you! 4-6 founders pitch their startup to the audience, then they will join their own breakout room to get feedback from the audience. People have been able to start a business as a result of this process.

If you would like to pitch, please fill out this form:

The event will start promptly at 2 PM, and networking will be open for the first 15 minutes. If you would like to pitch, please message the host during this time. During the next half hour, 4-6 founders will pitch their idea to the audience (4 minute cutoff time, then 1-2 minutes for audience questions). Then we will have each founder join their own breakout room, and attendees can help the founders with ideas, strategies, and tactics for the remainder of the time! You can also network with other attendees in the networking tab.


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