Entrepreneur Thinking & Personal Growth

Hosted by

Entrepreneur Thinking & Personal Growth (Women Only)

WHEN: Monday, September 12, 2022

Join us in the next Meetup for a glass of wine, appetizers, and meaningful conversation. This meetup isn’t your typical networking, a lot of our members have mentioned that it feels like a sisterhood. How lovely and warm that feeling is, right?!

Until we can meet again in person, we will host our events on zoom. Zoom information is sent out 24 hours before meeting through your email.

• Please come on time and plan to stay for the duration so we are respectful of everyone getting a full experience and all of us getting to know you and vice versa. If you absolutely must come late or leave early, let the host know.
• Also, since this is on ZOOM, we encourage everyone to TURN ON VIDEO to keep this meeting feeling as personal and in-person, as possible.
• Make sure your full name is showing and your contact information is in the chatbox.
• Please prepare to speak with your introduction, about you and your business
• If you join us late, you can do your introduction pending the amount of time left before we move on to discussions.


Online event

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