EnterpriseGuy Stock Market and Investment Analysis

Hosted by

Silicon Valley New Technology Startups

WHEN: Sunday, November 27, 2022

Join Here: https://www.enterpriseguy.com/events

Welcome to Volatility Club!

A Silicon Valley alternative investment running for more than the last 3+ years (& still going!).

Lecture Recordings: https://www.patreon.com/volatility

Slack Community: https://join.slack.com/t/volatilityclub/shared_invite/zt-cqy3fe3n-3tFub7npKgr~_K1XRK4FRw

Hey everyone, my investment lectures will now be online until our world defeats the coronavirus!

Topics can range from trading stocks, investing, venture capital, real estate, private equity, global-macro, crypto-currencies, cash flow analysis, and more!

Investment lectures occur every Sunday from 10AM – 12PM through the link here: https://www.enterpriseguy.com/events

Trading Tools I Use:
• Finviz: https://finviz.com/?a=100613214
• GuruFocus: https://goo.gl/TxAFJQ

If you would like to get know me (the EnterpriseGuy) in 83 seconds, you can check out my quick commercial here at www.PaloAltoGuy.com

Your Silicon Valley Friend,
Kae, the EnterpriseGuy
669.221.9888 (text/call anytime!)

My Social Media:
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/enterpriseadventures/
LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/enterpriseguy/

Other Meetups I Operate:


Online event

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