Crowley Small Business Networking

Hosted by

Crowley Small Business Networking

WHEN: Tuesday, June 29, 2021

At our online meetings, as always we encourage everyone to have fun! There is a structure to our meetings, yet we try to keep it as laid back as possible. Once everyone new has a had a chance to introduce themselves and everyone has said hello, we begin by allowing 30 seconds for each person to do their “elevator pitch”. Then we move on to a selected person to “spotlight” their business for 10 minutes; of course there will be time for any Q&A that anyone may have. We then move on and ask everyone who they had a 1-on-1 with since the last meeting and ask them to tell us one thing they took away from the meeting. We have required 2-minute breakout rooms towards the end of the meeting where members are pre-selected into certain rooms, paired with another member. Here, you have two minutes to chat a little and schedule your required 1-on-1 before the next meeting. And of course, we always ask everyone to stick around for a little bit to “mingle”. We don’t get to socialize much, so we think it’s really important that everyone has a chance to mingle with everyone! So bring your coffee and doughnut, take your shoes off, and have fun while we learn a little about each small business!


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