Choosing Your Best Coding Education

Hosted by

Los Angeles Data Science

WHEN: Tuesday, July 13, 2021

If you’re considering a career in tech but aren’t quite sure what type of education would be best for you, this event is made with you in mind.

Education isn’t a one-size-fits-all experience. The purpose of this event is to equip you with a newfound understanding of which approach would be best suited for you, your needs, and your learning style.

Don’t miss this opportunity to hear about different educational paths into programming. We will take a candid look into three common developer education options: College, coding bootcamps and self-led learning. We’ll discuss what each option is like , what it takes to succeed in each path and tips to be successful in the tech industry no matter your education.

Everyone is welcome, however this event will be largely beneficial for someone who is considering a career in software engineering or data science and isn’t sure which education path is right for them.


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