Business Duties Are Calling!

Hosted by

Business Avangers

WHEN: Tuesday, September 10, 2019


Out of the ashes of stress, strain, and 100-hour work weeks, the small business owner rises. Your business is growing and the increased complexity can feel overwhelming. Is your technology working against you? Is your business plan more myth than fact? Are you caught in the web of a business liability?

Have no fear, the Business Avengers are here.

During this 90-minute workshop, we’ll help you avenge the unorganized operations, lackluster communications, and complex technical and legal elements of your business to develop an actionable plan to help your business make a smooth transition into the next stage of growth. Let us share our superpowers with you.

Learn how to clarify and align your goals with actions. Create a strategic plan that you can base your decisions on with the captain of leadership, executive business consultant, Maarten Waarners.
Ensure you have the right contracts, insurance, policies, and procedures in place to keep your business protected from legal claims and liability with the Marvelous guidance of business law expert, Christina Gilbertson.
From cloud services to email security, your technological environment is essential to your business success. Learn how to ensure your technology systems will support and scale with your business from tech guru, Clint Larson.
A disorganized business is a disaster waiting to happen. Learn effective strategies for creating, managing, and executing all the short- and long-term tasks that a business owner is responsible for from the God of productivity, Chalee Domingos.

Whether it’s operations, tech, legal, or organizational, any one of these elements can snap your business out of existence. Take control with the guidance of industry experts who are bringing all these elements of your business together to help you dominate your market.

Come learn, have fun, network, and walk away with actionable steps to improve your business.


Greenhood Village, CO

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