Authentic Women Connect & Be Empowered!
From Authentic Women in Business
If you think of yourself as a “heart-centered”, “conscious” and/ or “soul-purpose-driven” in your business (or are curious) ….come join us! We will network, encourage, support and challenge each other to be our best selves as we grow our businesses.
No speaker today so we’ll have a chance to have longer introductions and deepen connections! This week’s topic: From Holiday Stress to Empowered Calm!
You may be a small business owner, independent professional, solopreneur, healer, or woman in leadership who wants to elevate herself by being surrounded by other like-minded women making an impact.
We will have a chance to introduce ourselves and share info as well as having discussions/activities to set the tone for a positive and successful week!
We believe that connection, authenticity, and doing the “inner” work (as well as learning practical strategies) 🙂 will help us thrive professionally as well as personally.