Agile PM Online Roundtable: Embrace Adaptability and Resiliency

Hosted by

AgilePDX User Group - Portland Metro

WHEN: Thursday, January 12, 2023

It’s cliché to say that “change is inevitable” and that we should “embrace change”. But what does it really mean to respond to change in execution plans, technology choices, and user needs? And how do we do it without causing harm to ourselves and those we serve?

At our first Agile PM Roundtable of 2023, we’ll explore “embracing adaptability and resiliency” in what we do and how we work. These themes are key components of the principals behind the seventh edition of the PMBOK and are important tenants of an Agile mindset. Join us in Lean Coffee discussion of your questions, ideas, and experiences with creating an environment that can remains resilient as it adapt to an ever-changing landscape.

AgilePDX is providing a forum for Agile Project Managers, Agile Facilitators, and Scrum Masters to gather online once a month and discuss all things project, program, and portfolio related. Please join us for a Lean Coffee style event facilitated by experienced Agile PM’s and instructors in the PMI Agile Certified Practitioner prep program.

You’ll be dialing in from your desktop with your favorite early morning brew. Please join with your camera on. The Zoom URL will be provided to confirmed attendees. Feel free to post questions to this meetup prior to the event.

We welcome divergent opinions and experience reports. Bring your challenges for groups feedback and support. Plan to join 15 minutes early for coffee clatch chat and networking or stay 15 minutes for the same networking experience.


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