Agile Denver Kanban CoP
Agile Denver
Agile Denver Kanban CoP: is a community of practice for practitioners interested in sharing and learning with others about applying lean and agile principles along with flow, pull, and kanban system concepts to assist with catalyzing and effectively managing change to improve their business workflow processes, and to predictably forecast and answer the question “When will it be done?” It is a “special interest group (SIG)” of the Agile Denver group and is also associated with the global Lean & Kanban University and Limited WIP Society.
Hi All,
This is a general message reminding you that the Agile Denver Kanban SIG meets the 2nd Thursday of each month, except for the month when Mile High Agile occurs (usually April, but has been in May too). Many of us who attend the Agile Denver Kanban SIG also volunteer to help with the MHA Conference, so we limit our WIP in this month. And we also take off the month of December, again most of us are just way to busy this month as well, and we practice what we preach by Limiting our WIP.
Please make sure to come back and check out this site often though for postings as our Agile Denver Kanban SIG meetup dates get closer each month. In the meantime check out our past meetups to see what’s been happening with topics and comments. We hope you’ll decide to join us too!
Take care,