DCSA Insider Threat Mitigation: iWorks Corp. Adds $12.39M to Cumulative Contract Value
iWorks Corp., Reston, Virginia, has been awarded a $12,386,192 firm-fixed-price modification (P00018) to previously awarded contract HS002121C0002 for the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA). This modification exercises Option Period 3 to continue to provide services for seamlessly vetting personnel for access, preserving the adjudicative decision, and identifying and mitigating insider threat risk for the DCSA. Work will be performed in and around Fort George G. Meade, Maryland, with an estimated completion of Jan. 4, 2025. Fiscal 2024 DCSA operations and maintenance funds; and fiscal 2024 working capital funds in the amount of $12,386,192 were obligated at the time of award. The cumulative value of the contract to date is $54,689,151. DCSA Acquisition and Contracting, Quantico, Virginia, is the contracting activity.