Award Record

Record Date: September 12, 2024

$68.3M Boost for Defense Education: Great Hill Solutions Awarded Major Contract for International Security Governance Projects

Great Hill Solutions LLC, Chantilly, Virginia (HQ0034-24-C-0120), is awarded a firm-fixed-price and time and material contract in the amount of $68,261,261 to provide professional administrative and technical support services for the missions and operations of the Institute for Security Governance, Defense Institute of International Legal Studies, Defense Security Cooperation University (DSCU), and Defense Resources Management Institute for dedicated partner nation projects as identified by the government. Fiscal 2024 operations and maintenance funds in the amount of $4,660,525 are being obligated at the time of award. Work will be performed at Naval Station Newport, Newport, Rhode Island; the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California; DSCU, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio; and Arlington, Virginia. The estimated completion date is Sept. 10, 2030. Washington Headquarters Services, Arlington, Virginia, is the contracting activity.