NAVFAC Southeast Industry Day
Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Southeast (NAVFAC SE) is hosting an Industry Day at the University of North Florida, Adam W. Herbert University Center, 12000 Alumni Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32224 on Monday, December 9, 2024, from approximately 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST.
The Industry Day will provide an avenue for NAVFAC SE to discuss its mission, goals, and contracting opportunities with private industry. There will be opportunities to exchange ideas, have open dialogs, and network with industry professionals. The intent of this engagement is to specifically address the following:
- COMMUNICATE upcoming contracting opportunities including an in-depth overview of upcoming large construction programs.
- ENGAGE with industry to find ways to accelerate performance of construction, repair, and services at all levels, and to increase contractor interest and intrigue on future contracting pursuits.
- LISTEN to Industry feedback on things we can do to improve.
- Improve EXECUTION speed by relying more on small business at ‘arms reach/quicker response’ at our 20 field offices across our AOR.
- NAVFAC SE provides engineering support to the warfighter through major and minor construction, architect-engineer design, environmental support, public works, and facility support services. NAVFAC SE area of operations covers 12 states in the Southeastern United States and other areas in the Caribbean.
Who Should Attend:
Any contractor interested in contracting and subcontracting opportunities with NAVFAC SE.
Registration is FREE, OPTIONAL $20 box lunch, coordinated by SAME Jacksonville.