Award Record

Record Date: November 18, 2024

$20.7M Sole-Source Contract Awarded to Vertex Modernization for AN/ALQ System Repairs at Robins AFB

Vertex Modernization and Sustainment Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana, was awarded a $20,743,699 firm-fixed-price requirements contract for repair of the AN/ALQ-172 and AN/ALQ-161 components. This contract provides for repair of AN/ALQ 172 subassemblies and components on the B-52 and C-130 fleet; and ALQ-161 on B-1B aircraft systems. Work will be performed at Robins Air Force Base, Georgia, and is expected to be completed by Nov. 18, 2029. This contract was a sole source acquisition. No funds are being obligated at time of award. The Air Force Sustainment Center, Robins Air Force Base, Georgia, is the contracting activity (FA8522-25-D-0001).