$156M Indefinite-Delivery Contract Supports Nuclear Material Security: Threat Reduction Efforts in Kazakhstan
The National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Respublikanskoe Gosudarstvennoe Predpriyatie Na Prave Khozyaistvennogo Vedeniya Natsionalnyi Yadernyi Tsentr Respubliki Kazakhstan Ministerstva Energetiki Respubliki Kazakhstan), Kurchatov, Kazakhstan, was awarded an indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract (HDTRA1-25-D-0001) with a maximum ceiling of $156,125,500 for the base five-year ordering period, in support of the Cooperative Threat Reduction program objectives to continue surveying, characterization, and security of nuclear material, nuclear testing infrastructure elimination, and capability sustainment. The principal place of performance is Kazakhstan. Work under the base ordering period is expected to be completed by December 2029. The contract contains an additional five-year optional ordering period that may extend performance through December 2034. Funding will be obligated at the task order level. This award is the result of a sole source acquisition. The Defense Threat Reduction Agency, Fort Belvoir, Virginia, is the contracting activity.